Partnering with your school to provide a fun and inclusive solution to wraparound provision that nurtures, supports, and empowers your children to reach their superhero potential.
With a combination of child-led activities ranging from junk modelling, arts & crafts, and board games to dodgeball, football, and sports our offering is fully inclusive.
From 07:30 until school starts, or school end until 18:00 our team nurture, support, and care for your children to start and finish the school day positively.

Our nurturing, passionate, and caring team cater for all children with an inclusivity approach, every child matters.

Receiving a fixed rental agreement helps to minimise financial risk and gives the school long-term sustainability by ensuring a steady income stream.

The activities offer a blend of child choice and structured activities with a host of physical, mental, and social benefits. Take a look at an example timetable here

We understand recruiting people who meet the school ethos, covering staff illness, and managing logistics can be a headache, we'll ensure we fully staff the provision and cover any sickness/absence internally.
Removing staffing headaches from your school team. If you already have brilliant people in place we can explore ways to continue with those people in place.

What to expect from wraparound care with EPC